{Product Review} USB Otoscope

After my daughter having a double ear infection twice within the span of 6 weeks I decided to look into an Otoscope that I could use to simply monitor her ears. I ordered the Depstech USB Octscope from Amazon – the concept is super cool! The device isn’t that expensive and it easily connects to wifi and an image is shown on your phone. You can take video or pictures of the inside of your ear haha!

What I found was that it took blurry photos. I tested this on my husbands ears and it worked perfectly fine (clear photos of his ear drums too). But on Maddie and I, this device didn’t do it’s job. I figured that our ear openings were too small and the plastic tips it came with are only one size. My husband tried to put the Octoscope in my ear but it really was uncomfortable. Which is why I’m returning it today. It didn’t serve it’s purpose for our family which is unfortunate but a really cool device. SO, moral of the story, if you have small ears this won’t work for you OR children. Bummer! I was really hoping it would for Maddie. She was really interested in it though. The hunt continues! Hope this blog post helps you make your decision. ❤

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