About Me

21231853_1450134391747968_6540967785597853334_nHi! Melissa here! Thank you so much for stopping by. A little bit about me and why I’m very passionate about Marketing and Holistic Nutrition. First off, I’m a momma to Madeline…a crazy toddler with a TON of energy. I’m also a military wife to a wonderful man that I’ve known for 15 years. We have been together since high school and after college we got married. Since then we have been to quite a few places thanks to the Coast Guard! We just moved to Savannah, Ga., where a new family journey begins. ❤

untitled-12I first fell in love with social media through health and fitness coaching. Wellness and social media have always been hand in hand (for me) since 2014. I enjoyed sharing my story on social media and training a team of others to do the same. I found myself enjoying the creation of graphics and teaching on the topic of best practices for social media. I oddly enjoy putting together Facebook and Instagram ads! I really LOVE instagram and connecting with other moms on that platform. I will NERD out on all things instagram.

While I do have a passion for marketing I also have a passion for holistic nutrition. What is holistic nutrition? Holistic nutrition is a way to treat ALL areas in your life that can be affecting your health (not just nutrition). This can include stress, how well you are sleeping, exercise, negative thoughts and more! Think *WHOLE* picture. While being a health and fitness coach was great (I helped many others lose weight and gain confidence)…I saw an opportunity to help others heal from chronic illness and disease with proper nutrition, herbs, movement and supplements. Over time, I saw that many of my clients were suffering with either an auto-immune disease, fatigue, anxiety, high amounts of stress, depression etc. I see holistic nutrition as a way to treat the root of the problem…weight loss is then just an added BONUS to the entire treatment process.

So here I am! A Certified Holistic Nutritionist at your service! Please check out the programs and services that I offer, or schedule a complimentary 15 minute consultation call here.